

ENERGY EFFICIENCY TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION PORTAL. This Energy Efficiency Technologies Information Portal* provides users access to energy efficiency technology information in a user-friendly format and highlights the wide spectrum of ways to potentially reduce ship fuel consumption.

This, in turn, is considered one main avenue for helping to improve the 4.1 Increased resource efficiency is essential for continued socio-economic progress. The emergence of resource efficiency and the low-carbon economy as European policy priorities is grounded in a recognition that the prevailing model of economic development — based on steadily growing resource use and harmful emissions — cannot be sustained in the long term. Environment and resource efficiency. EU Cohesion Policy supports sustainable growth by promoting water and waste management, environmentally-friendly and innovative clean technologies, as well as measures targeted at the protection of air, biodiversity and nature. MSc in Environmental and Resource Management. MSc in Environmental and Resource Management combines natural science, engineering and social science which enable the students to create sustainable solutions by addressing the environmental problems of tomorrow.

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RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future A report of the International Resource Panel published in 2020. The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is a statutory body to promote and advance the engineering and technology, established in 1920 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers encompassing 15 (fifteen) engineering disciplines with a Corporate membership of over 2 lakhs, and serving the nation for more than 9 decades. Energy and greenhouse gas efficiency compendium October 2013 This online database provides an introduction to energy efficiency measures for oil and gas facilities, and aims to raise awareness and uptake of such technologies and practices across the industry. Download the Full Report: EN Download the Summary for Policymakers: EN Download the Policies Briefs at ''Download the documents" section The report, Resource Efficiency: Potential and Economic Implications, was commissioned in 2015 by the Group of Seven (G7) countries and released in Berlin at a workshop on resource efficiency for the Group of Twenty (G20) countries.

TKMJ29, 2021. Compendium “Resource Efficient Products 2014”, IEI / Environmental Technology and Management.

Context. In the context of escalating global environmental pressures, it has become increasingly clear that Europe's prevailing model of economic development — based on steadily growing resource use and pollutant emissions — cannot be sustained in the long term.Already today, Europe's ecological footprint is double its land area and the European Union (EU) is heavily reliant on imports of

The management tools address production processes and behavioural changes to achieve an increase in product or service value, or a reduction in environmental influence, thus improving an entity’s resource efficiency. Publishers of Foundations and Trends, making research accessible.

His present research interests include megacities, air pollution: environmental impact and risk assessment: atmospheric emissions and climate change; and integrated cross-disciplinary study of science and policy issues of the environment, health, energy, economy, technology, and infrastructure and resources-particularly from the global change, sustainable development and risk governance

Environment and resource efficiency.

Are we protecting our citizens’ health by moving towards a zero-pollution Europe? What is the progress on the governance issues and The Environment Forum brought together policy-makers, industry associations, academia, research organizations, civil society and the first national resource panel in the world – Indian Resource Panel, to gather insights from the Indian and EU experts on the benefits of RE, resource productivity through policy coherence, secondary resource management, business models, eco-innovation and on For these organisations, energy management is “business as usual”.
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It also contains forthcoming programmes of technical activities along with other announcements. Resource and Environmental Impacts of Resource-Efficiency Measures Applied to Electronic Products Department of Technology Management and Economics Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Göteborg Sweden Telephone + 46 (0)31-772 1000 Chalmers Reproservice Gothenburg, Sweden 2018 .

His present research interests include megacities, air pollution: environmental impact and risk assessment: atmospheric emissions and climate change; and integrated cross-disciplinary study of science and policy issues of the environment, health, energy, economy, technology, and infrastructure and resources-particularly from the global change, sustainable development and risk governance IIE research units pioneer adaptation to environmental changes as part of sustainable design. Our emphasis is on translational science based upon rigorous understanding our environment, seamless integration of data and models, humans as integral parts of environmental systems, and development of novel, leading-edge technologies. More… This book is a compendium of the proceedings of ICBDCC 2019, with papers discussing recent advances in the areas of big data analytics, data analytics in cloud, smart cities and grid.
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The IEECB&SC conference seeks to bring together all the key players in thes e sectors, including commercial buildings’ investors and property manage rs, academia and experts, equipment manufacturers, service providers (ESCOs, utilities, facilities management companies, telecoms), urban planners and local and national policy makers, with a view to exchange information and to network.

Syllabus. Information. Integrated Product Service Engineering 6 credits Compendium “IPSE 2013”, IEI / Environmental Technology and Management.